best sites of
Senior Circuit Links:
Doctor Inc.: Read about the latest medical and scientific
advances. Click on VOLUNTEER. Learn what studies are available and how
to sign on.
The Wellness Web: The
patient's network: Gives information on alternatives to
stay healthy. You can locate calendar events on conferences, training
programs, or other events related to health.
AltMed: Alternative Medical Forum:
fast server. Research your questions about alternative medicine. Worth
clicking on
Diabetes: Better Health:
fast server. Good resource for information about diabetes. Worth
clicking on.
OncoLink Cancer
News : fast server. Up to date news on cancer. Worth
clicking on.
Quackwatch: fast server.
Quackwatch is a guide to health fraud, Quackery, and intelligent
decisions in health. WORTH CLICKING ON.
Welcome to the Alzheimer's Association:
fast server. One can research medical issues, learn about recent
advances in science, and news updates on Alzheimer's disease. WORTH
Lyme Disease Network: Find
out the latest information about Lyme disease. Learn about the newest
standards in diagnosing Lyme Disease WORTH CLICKING ON.
Watching the Medical World for News About You: Personalized
health news for you and your family. Click on the most up to date health
news articles on the Internet. WORTH CLICKING ON.
Medicine. Enjoy travel in good health. Get the latest, up to
date information on staying healthy while you travel, no matter what
your destination. WORTH CLICKING ON.
to Johns Hopkins Health Information: Search their website for
the most current health information you need. Worth clicking on.
Fact Sheets - CDC/NCHSTP/Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP)
This website provides information on HIV/AIDS . Important for seniors to
Administration on Aging -
Information on Older Persons and Services for the Elderly: get
information designed for seniors and their families concerned about
New England Journal
of Medicine On-line -- Home Page: Provides current articles
about up to date topics and research in the medical field. Worth
Clicking on.
Senior's Health
Center - The Daily Apple: Gives up to date health information of
the greatest interest to seniors. Worth clicking on.