The Massage

Massage releases tensions and creates relaxation in your partner.  It is a wonderful way to explore your partner's body and make the foreplay more sensual.  Try a full body massage on each other for a few minutes a day. It will relax your partner.  Gradually build up the massage to an hour or longer. 

Use an exotic lotion that smells good.  Start with the feet and work your way up.  It is important to complete the massage for the true sensuality of this foreplay. After the completion of this delightful experience of touch, you and your partner  will be more than ready to have sexual intercourse.  If your partner resists, or thinks that foreplay is not necessary, try a subtle, shoulder massage. Everyone appreciates a good shoulder massage, and with a little encouragement it can become an all over massage.



E-Mail us: romanticseniors@aol.com

Address:  P.O. BOX 630406 Little Neck, NY 11363-0406