Everyone enjoys the intimate moments of a hug. It may sound very simple to do. However, over a lifetime with your partner you may take the hugging experience for granted.

Try hugging your partner using your five senses for sexuality.

Move close to your partner, stand on your own two feet, put your arms around your partner. Stay in the hug long enough to deeply relax your body and your mind. ( If you cannot stand for a long period of time, lie down on a bed, or you may hug each other sitting in a chair.) Now start to use your five senses of sexuality. 

1. Sight: before you hug, look at your partner. Use your eyes to look at their eyes.

2. Touch: touch your partner's body: their hair, face, skin, lips, ears, or any other part you wish to touch.

3. Hear: Listen to the pace of your breathing and your partner's. Hear how the breathing pace increases when you are hugging your partner. 

4. Smell: Smell your partner's erotic scent. Let the sensual perfumes from your partner conjure up fantasies of what comes next after this hug. 

5. Taste: Taste your partner, their skin, their earlobes, and or their lips. Use your sensual imagination on where to taste.

Pay attention to what you're thinking and feeling when you are hugging your partner. This hug is using all the five senses for sexuality. Make sure it is a very long hug.


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