Food and great love making go hand in hand. Throughout the centuries it was noted that romance occurs when one experiences smells, taste, sights and touch of food. An enticing meal arouses our senses and brings us pleasure.
Add some soft lighting and good music, a well-prepared and presented meal can
be the ideal way to the sensual act of love.

Our idea of a traditional romantic meal, large portions of succulent, tender meat and red wine, followed by a rich dessert, came from Hollywood. But this menu can be a recipe for disaster. What should arouse and excite us ends up dousing the flames of passion. A large, high-fat meal can  dampen your libido and even put you to sleep. It has been proven that testosterone levels plummet by 30 percent within four hours of eating a high-fat meal. Also, meals that contain tryptophan, a natural ingredient found in such high-fat products as cream, milk, cheese, turkey and potatoes are apt to make you drowsy. If you want to have a romantic evening stay away from that delicious cheesecake.

Here are some tips to help keep the sexual desires flaming during your
romantic meal:
1. Alcohol consumption: A glass of wine is a turn-on, however finishing the
whole bottle with dinner is a turn off. Alternate wine with nonalcoholic beverages, such as an exotic fruit juice cocktail. Always have seltzer or water available to quench your thirst. 

2. Stay away from heavy, greasy foods and large portions. Serve several small courses that each feature a different flavor accent, rather than a huge main course. It is very difficult to make love when your stomach is bloated. Fish is very good to have as a main meal (It is light and easily digested). Try
oysters - - they are know to be high in zinc content; and are believed to be an aphrodisiac as well.

3. Brightly colored vegetables: try some asparagus, celery, fennel, or carrots. The phallic shape of these vegetables can start your juices flowing.

4. Fresh fruit: Grapes, fresh figs, strawberries, raspberries, sorbets and ices. They may be eaten after diner at the table; or if you want to be more
playful--- try them in the bedroom.  Place them on sensual parts of your lover's body. 

5. A small cup of coffee or espresso makes a nice finale to a meal. Caffeine
is a stimulant that enhances circulation. It helps to keep you and your lover
awake for an evening of sensual pleasure. 

Use your imagination when planning your romantic meal. Remember, it does not
always have to be dinner. Breakfast and lunch can also be fun. If you need help planning for your next romantic meal click onto recipes.

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