"Milk Does The Body Good"

" Milk does the body good." The need for calcium for the older adult.

Proper nutrition is essential for good health.  When one has good health, it is   easier to enjoy sexuality.   As the aging process takes place the needs of our body's change and also our nutritional  needs.   To enjoy optimal health one has to be aware of the importance of good nutrition.

You all know the expression "You are what you eat." However, it is hard to break old and bad  habits of poor eating. Many older adults shrug off the need for adequate calcium.  They feel it is not necessary since they are no longer building bones, a process that ends at about the age of thirty.   However, as we age the importance of getting an adequate calcium intake is greater than we can imagine. It is well known that calcium is necessary to build and maintain healthy bones and teeth, but calcium is also necessary to help the clotting factor in our blood,  the regulation   of blood pressure ( one needs calcium for nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and  enzymes' production). 

Many older adults shrug off the need for an adequate calcium intake. By not being aware of the need of having a good calcium intake, many older adults stop adding calcium to their diet's.  By not having enough calcium intake over a long period of time, our sketal system starts to erode.  There may be a point where, one morning, you'll break a bone when you get out of bed and cannot understand why it happened, when you did not do anything to cause it. In addition to the erosion of the skeletal system; there have  been studies showing that not enough calcium intake may increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Here are some tips to add calcium to your diet:

1. Simply add one more glass of milk and a cup of yogurt a day.
2. Add dry  milk to soups and sauces
3. Eat leafy green vegetables, such as kale or turnip greens. 

Broccoli is another good  source of calcium ( however, if you are taking anti-clotting medication check with your doctor on how much a broccoli you may be eat.)

4. Get Calcium-fortified fruit juices, canned sardines, canned salmon with bones

5. Carrots and green peas.

6. Almonds, and Brazil nuts.

Along with getting adequate calcium intake it is important to have Vitamin D. You need Vitamin D to help your body absorb calcium that you take inside your body.   Most  Milk has been fortified with vitamin D, by drinking milk you will be getting enough vitamin D.     In addition to fortified milk; your body is capable of making   Vitamin D on its own.  The catch is in order for your body to produce Vitamin D you have to be exposed to the sun rays. Fifteen to thirty minutes a day of sunlight on your face and hands two to three times a week will take care of it the production of Vitamin D.   Go out in the early morning or late afternoon not in the middle of the day when the sun is the strongest. If you don't drink milk and the weather is gloomy, take
a multivitamin that includes vitamin D. But never use supplements of this single vitamin unless your doctor recommends them; too much vitamin D can be toxic.

Along with getting proper calcium intake  and vitamin D intake there is third component that one has to do.  That is weight bearing exercises.  They  should be done thirty minutes a day.    The reason for this is your  body is a finely tune machine.  It needs  to have weight bearing exercises to place stress on the bones, which will increase their mass, which will increase their strength and will make your bones healthy.   There are many great exercises one can do alone or with his or her partner.   Long brisk romantic walks, ballroom dancing and running.  Carrying weights is also good way to increase bone mass. Always check with your doctor  before you change your dietary and exercise habits. Make sure you ask questions about your medications that you are taking, regarding change of  your diet. By maintaining good strong bones, you can have a great sexual life.   So remember to drink your milk.


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