Kegel exercises for men or How to exercise your love muscle:

Good muscle tone in the pelvic area improves ejaculatory control, and enhances sexual pleasure for men as well as for their partners. You don't have to go to the gym or lifts weights to obtain strong pelvic muscle control. Men can do Kegel exercises that will help to maintain their Pelvic muscle or Pubococcygeal muscle (PC) tone at any age and at any time. 

The Pubococcygeal muscle (PC) forms a hammock at the base of the pelvis helping to keep internal organs from sagging. Having good muscle tone  increases the pleasures of sex.

How to find the Puboccygeal muscle (PC): When you urinate, stop  the flow of urine in midstream and start the stream again. You will feel the PC muscle and will be able  to locate them in future to do the Kegel exercises. Sometimes this muscle is so weak that you should practice this technique before you engage in the actual Kegel exercise.

How do I do the Kegel excercise: 
1. Now that you located the PC muscle; tighten this muscle as if you were trying to stop urinating.
2. Contract the PC muscle and hold for as long as possible, start by holding the contraction for 5 seconds, then repeat about 10 times. See if you are able to work up to a hold of 15 to 20 seconds with about 6 to 12 per set. Remember as with any exercise, you should start out gradually so you don't hurt yourself. 
Kegel exercises may be done at any time: driving a car, standing, watching television, the most important thing about them is to do them. 

A study in the Journal of Urology  shows the benefits of Kegel exercise for men who had prostate surgery. These exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and may help prevent urinary incontinence. A strong PC muscle commands more blood to the genitals, making erections come more easily and increasing endurance. The prostate is nourished by the increased exchange of oxygen and nutrients that kegel exercise accomplishes. The glandular part is massaged and the muscular part is strengthened and becomes supple.


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