Exercises for the largest Sexual organ that one has:

His or her brain.

Many times we place the emphasis of having a great sex life with having a great body.  We exercise, go on diets and imagine that if we were 30 pounds thinner or 10 years younger our sexual lives would be better.  What is overlooked time and again is what really makes us a sexual being. That is the brain. 

This is where our sexuality starts and ends.   It has the power for us to imagine fantasy, read erotica, the ability to explore all the possibilities of his or her own sexual needs and desires. The brain is the major component of our sexual well being.  It is time to take care of it and nurture it.

Here are some simple Brain exercises that one can do, try these exercises:

1.  Brushing your teeth with your non-dominate hand.

2.  Picking out the correct key from your key ring with your eyes  closed.

3.  Waking up to the smell of cinnamon or vanilla instead of coffee.

4.  Read books: Include on your reading lists books about Erotica.

5.  Do crosswords puzzles. 

6.  Try a new perfume.

7.  Close your eyes and tell your partner of what parts of their body you find most sensual. 

8.  Tell them how excited you get just by thinking about them.

9.  Dancing: Learn new dance routines.

10.  Learn new romantic love songs and sing them softly in your partner's ear.

11. Memorize a love poem and say it to your partner  at a very romantic time.

Doing brain exercises during a course of a day may help build your memory and keep it working for a very long time.  Your sexual well-being may also improve at the same time.

Remember: "Wake-up and smell the roses " . It is a good memory exercise for our brains



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